Sunday, February 19, 2012

Taking A Break

It is important to take the time to cut yourself a break.  I know I am always trying to do more better, faster or sooner whether at home or at work.  Lately, however I have been making myself a priority and don't feel  guilty about it.  I deserve to have my own time for my self and in the end I am better for it.   Don't get me wrong I still make sacrifices for my family, but I balance that with me time.  The important thing is to communicate what you want, and if you need help ask for it.  Don't expect your husband, child, boss, etc to read your mind.  It is ok to delegate.  I now have more time for the things I enjoy doing from going to a yoga class, reading a book or cooking a new recipe.  Before, I would not do things I wanted because I needed to do the dishes or start a load of laundry.   Now, I make time for me a priority those other things can wait or someone else can help out.  I deserve that time to myself and it has really helped me with relieving stress and being better in my relationships.  The same goes for work.  I could stay at work all night and still not have everything complete on my to do list, but it is ok to shut it down and go home and enjoy life.   I also try not to think about work once I walk out the door, leave it at the office.  I try not to talk it about at home and enjoy my family and my own interests.  Amazingly, my to do list is still there the next day and I have fresh perspective and am re-energized because I took time for me.  So, go ahead and try something new, take that class or enjoy a new book!  It's not being selfish, it's self preservation.

Proverbs 19:8  Whoever gets sense loves his own soul; he who keeps understanding will discover good.

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